If there is anything that I spend most of my time talking about, it's gotta be lending out advice about relationships.
...And if there is anything that I have spent a lot of time dwelling upon,
it's how much I have been genuinely screwed over, repeatedly.
You see...us girls, we tend to put hope in many silly things.
We hope that maybe he will notice that we trimmed our bangs...
We hope that by wearing a lower cut shirt, he'll actually notice us...
We hope that by shamelessly flirting and kissing him, he'll actually want us...
We hope that by having sex with him, he will actually love us..
We hope, hope, and hope so more...and most of the time, get hurt in the end.
Whose fault is your heartbreak? Almost all TV shows, songs, and movies dub THE heartbreaker on the guy. If anything goes horribly wrong in our relationship, it's automatically the guy who did it all, on his own. Sure, if we do get cheated on, or lied to, or screwed over...it sucks, majorly. And to some point, it IS his fault...
But at the same time, we need to take a step back and realize majority of the time, we allow our heartbreak.
Personally, for me...I have always been the girl who was "fine" with whatever he wanted.
We never needed a "title", that's just for people who are "insecure in their relationship"...I thought.
I was "fine" that he had 'commitment phobia'. Hey, maybe I was that one amazing girl who would change him.
...I put my hope in something not just silly, but absolutely ridiculous.
Even though I knew ALL of this upfront, I still allowed myself fall deeper, which made my fall in the end even more harsh.
I allowed my own heartbreak.
I allowed myself to cry on the couch.
I allowed myself to have my heart sink to my butt, and get a huge lump in my throat
every time I heard that song.
And then I realized, "Holy moley, not only did he majorly screw me over, I actually allowed it."
So girls, I know we all have that one thing that we do repeatedly...whether it be giving that one guy his 6th, 7th, or 90th, chance, or staying with the guy who cheats on you, or being "fine" with the guy who "doesn't want a relationship right now"...but choosing to do that, we choose our outcome.
Change what hurts you, do not allow yourself to go through the same thing over and over.
At some point, you need to come to the realization of what you deserve, and not just settling.
And believe me, what you deserve is 100 times better than what we settle for 100% of the time.