"I think the only way to get through this life is laughing hard...and constantly, mostly at myself."

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Update! (Please forgive me)

I am now completely aware that I have neglected my little blog for the past 2 months!
     But seriously, where has time gone?

It feels like 2 months ago, I just graduated from high school...not in my second semester of college!

I don't think I have found something to be so true than the 7 words, "Time flies when you're having fun", in the past few months....

Except for me, it probably should be "Time flies when you're really friggen busy!

Instead of writing this blog on a certain occasion, I am just going to give a quick update on my life...
(But I promise I will get on another blog ASAP).

Well, for starters...School has been overwhelming!
(Speaking of which, I just took a batch of brownies out the oven for my English class tomorrow. Sweet, right? )
I LOVE every single one of my teachers...which is a first.

I fancy my English teacher's attempt to be the Freedom Writers teacher...she is a hoot and a half.

A piece of my heart is in Afghanistan at the moment...</3

I have moved into my OWN room and have become obsessed with decorating it to express my personality.
(pictures up soon!)

I love my cooking class! I am learning sooo much, it's so fun.
I am looking forward to my 5 year old cousin's big princess birthday party this Saturday. (Sad, right? haha.)
It is going to be amazing though: a hired princess, a carriage, a cotton candy machine, and princess dresses...What more could any girl ask for? (Besides her Prince Charming)
Speaking of Prince Charming, I kinda/semi/maybe/won't admit if I have spotted mine yet ;D

This spring weather has put me in such a GOOD mood, I LOVE it.

My sister still sucks eggs.
My bond with my best friends have gotten even stronger, and I have realized I am incredibly blessed (yes) to have them in my life.

I discovered that it's never good to drive on E for days at a time.

Discovered the new Glade plug-in scent for Spring, so every time I walk in my room...I want to stay in my room for hours at a time!

Deepened my love for butter.
Fell in love with my Hello Kitty slippers.

....And remembered why I carry my pink pepper spray (More deets on that on a later basis).

Well, I am currently so overly tired, it's not funny.
I promise I'll keep in touch on here alot more!
If I fail, feel free to pinch me (Just kidding, you'll get punched).

Yours truly.